Sometimes it’s important to detox. even from things we love.
Recently I spent a week(ish) without access to my computer due to a faulty surge protector and a fried power supply. While I had my phone for internet I find mobile browsing for the most part unwieldy and pretty much just used it to keep up with my YouTube and Facebook in addition to my normal mobile activities (e-mail, messengers, etc).
This meant I couldn’t edit, it also meant I couldn’t read most of my normal sites and keep up with everything coming out and the multitude of other little things that allow the computer to somehow fill up hours of my day. As a result I read two and a half books while I was computer-free. I also spent more time just experimenting with makeup, less concerned with the final product and more with how exactly I got there.
What’s the point of all this?
That it’s important to detox, to take a step back and let it all drain away, even if just for a day or two, before starting over with a fresh perspective. Sometimes things that frustrated us or seemed unsolvable suddenly become a whole lot clearer.
How does this relate to beauty?
Just as it is important to detox in other aspects of life it is the same as in beauty. We all know how important a physical detox can be, sometimes our faces -and our beauty/skincare routines- need a fresh start just like the rest of us. Those couple days off that you don’t ~really~ have to leave the house? Skip the makeup. Don’t even fix your brows or slap on some lipstick, let your skin have a break and really breathe. Let it just be skin, worry about the makeup if you really have to go out and get milk.
And beyond beauty? Remember that sometimes you just need to take a second, just one moment, and just be. Just lose yourself in a cup of tea and a sunset, nothing but you and your thoughts.
Worry about being ~whatever~ you need to be in a minute.
See you next time