Monday, 24 November 2014

Just a heads up, and a question.

This next week may be a little slow. I've been feeling a bit -read a lot- run down and I finally made it to the urgent care clinic today. Turns out I have a sinus infection that is trying to claw its way into my ears and my throat as well as having the flu.

This means one of two things will happen, either I will lay on the couch feeling sorry for myself and get nothing accomplished this week or I will curl up in comfy clothes with a candle and some apple pie tea and dig into some blog posts and YouTube videos. We shall see which one actually ends up happening.

I also wanted to know if people wanted to see more in the way of non-beauty posts every now and then. Just to change things up?

All tonight off and on there has been a wind/rain-storm going on and it's kinda mirrored how I feel at the moment, absolutely miserable. But I did manage to catch this awesome picture in a bit of a lull and felt like I should share it.

See you next time!



Saturday, 22 November 2014

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Tutorial? Review? All of the above?

Okay so let's talk about the products a bit.

Elizabeth Mott 'Tints & Sass' $22.99 USD 0.35oz/10g 

The link above it where you can buy it. The Tints & Sass has kind of a gel consistency and it smells like sweet artificial cherry. It is quite pigmented and needs to be applied evenly or it will streak. That having been said it is quite easy to work with. On the rare occasion I reach for a tint this tends to be the one I go for. The only negative is I can't seem to find anywhere that sells it aside from the Elizabeth Mott website whereas you can pick up Benefit products at Shoppers Drug Mart (The main chain drug store in Ontario).

Benefit Cosmetics 'Benetint'  $30 USD 0.4oz/12.4ml

As with the other the link above is where you can get it. Benetint has quite a watery consistency and I find that it takes quite a bit to get the effect I want. Now I will admit I own the small trial size of benetint and it is possible that there is a different formula to the full size, though that probably isn't the case. The smell is just of perfumed makeup, not bad, just clearly cosmetic. You do have to work in thin layers with this product which does make it harder to over apply it. It is also much more readily available and in general I love Benefit products. This is the only one so far that I haven't adored.

I like Tints & Sass better, I haven't tried the other tints from Benefit so I can't weigh in on them but between these two Tints & Sass wins.

Hope this post was informative and helpful!

See you next time!



Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Sometimes it’s important to detox. even from things we love.
Recently I spent a week(ish) without access to my computer due to a faulty surge protector and a fried power supply. While I had my phone for internet I find mobile browsing for the most part unwieldy and pretty much just used it to keep up with my YouTube and Facebook in addition to my normal mobile activities (e-mail, messengers, etc). 
 This meant I couldn’t edit, it also meant I couldn’t read most of my normal sites and keep up with everything coming out and the multitude of other little things that allow the computer to somehow fill up hours of my day. As a result I read two and a half books while I was computer-free. I also spent more time just experimenting with makeup, less concerned with the final product and more with how exactly I got there.
What’s the point of all this?
That it’s important to detox, to take a step back and let it all drain away, even if just for a day or two, before starting over with a fresh perspective. Sometimes things that frustrated us or seemed unsolvable suddenly become a whole lot clearer.
How does this relate to beauty?
Just as it is important to detox in other aspects of life it is the same as in beauty. We all know how important a physical detox can be, sometimes our faces -and our beauty/skincare routines- need a fresh start just like the rest of us. Those couple days off that you don’t ~really~ have to leave the house? Skip the makeup. Don’t even fix your brows or slap on some lipstick, let your skin have a break and really breathe. Let it just be skin, worry about the makeup if you really have to go out and get milk.
And beyond beauty? Remember that sometimes you just need to take a second, just one moment, and just be. Just lose yourself in a cup of tea and a sunset, nothing but you and your thoughts.
Worry about being ~whatever~ you need to be in a minute.
See you next time

    Subscription Review: Ipsy

    I am subscribed to Ipsy and as such I do an unboxing and review on my YouTube every month.

    Starting in December I will be accompanying this with a write up on my blog here. For the months that have already happened however I am going to link to the already existing videos in this post in case anyone is interested in seeing them.

    And of course my Ipsy referal link is here should you like to subscribe.

    I should be writing up another post either later tonight or tomorrow.

    See you next time



    Past Ipsy Unboxing Videos:

    November 2014 Ipsy Unboxing/Review
    October 2014 Ipsy Unboxing/Review
    September 2014 Ipsy Unboxing/Review (update)
    August 2014 Ipsy Unboxing/Review

    Tuesday, 18 November 2014

    New Video

    Before I head to bed let me just toss this out into the universe.

    My newest YouTube video
    A get-ready with me video inspired by the fact that it was disgustingly cold and snowy outside. It is the most editing heavy video I have done this far though perhaps not the best. I love the look though, especially the lip paint.

    See you next time



    A Begining? Of Course!

    So guys, let me tell you. A fish face is just about ten times sexier than a duck face no?

    So welcome to my blog. Here is the traditional about me post, sadly for you I am not terribly interesting so this will be brief. I am Twenty-seven years old this past August. I am 5’ 9”  I have green/blue eyes that like to change what they are to be the opposite of whatever I say they are just to make me look like an asshole. My hair is naturally some shade of brown but I never really let it get that colour generally dying it at least auburn.

    My main hobby is makeup. I collect it, I play with it, I watch YouTube video’s about it I make YouTube video’s about it, I blog (now) about it, and I talk incessantly at my boyfriend and sister about it until I think they both want to drown me in foundation just for irony’s sake. Other than makeup I read, I play games - mostly board games and card games though I do love a good video game as well-,  and I watch comic book movies and tv-shows as my main sources of entertainment. 
    I am quickly running out of things to tell you and this has the potential to become a long drawn out boring post that nobody cares about. So I will end it here and maybe tomorrow I will actually make a post about makeup.

    See you all next time

