Sunday, 26 June 2016

Plum Paper Planner Review

With only one moth left in my 2015-2016 planner it's time to do a final review. It is a Plum Paper Planner M-D-N Vertical weekly planner that started August 2015 and ends July 2016. It has the frosted plastic cover over the paper cover with my monogram and name. I added the To-Do pages in their own tab.

My planner the day I received it.
In general I love the planner, so much so that I decided to stick with Plum Paper for my 2016-2017 planner with some minor changes. I stuck with the vertical M-D-N layout, I personally cover the labels with washi and stickers but still like the three separate sections.

The added tab of To-Do pages I barely used, and I think that's because I had them in the separate tab, I probably should have gotten them dispersed throughout the planner like the note pages are. I did choose not to get them again in my upcoming planner instead opting for the fitness tracking add-on.

As for the cover, I am so glad that they changed it, this one both the plastic and card stock layers have warped and are wavy, I think the newer style will hold up better.  I also wasn't super fond of the fact that the back of the monthly tab pages was blank, which is something they have already fixed in the newer planners.

How the covers have warped

Overall I quite enjoyed my 2016-2017 planner and look forward to starting my new one. Most of the issues I had with this one were things that were fixed in the newer planners or were solved by just not getting that add-on again.

It's honestly so hard not to open up my new planner and start pre-planning in it , I've already done a pen test page and am super impressed with the new papers quality.

Until next time


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